
  • Country: N/A
  • City: N/A
  • Age: 0
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
A.K.A. KittyMeowxxx, mfcDidntPayME, Songhee, TipMeBastard, PuppetDancing, TipMeBiitch, boredasfxoxo, TipMeBitch20, BubbleButt20, CheapTwat, Jinghua, SausageSlut, Profile Info: Female - Asian - Blonde - 48 kilos - 160 centimeters - 22 - Fuckland - Straight - Whore - Hoe Faculty of mfc - watermelon - i dont need any pets, they are gross and wastes money - I am dumb Asian to entertain pathetic losers the way to lick their pathetic arses to make them feel not a loser , just a sexy boss or sth . - family, health, self-esteem - Nah , I wont say MFC - facebook - begging tokens from these pathetic losers - electro house - nothing special shit I have done , I am fkin basic block - I will spit and ...
Official Site: N/A