
  • Country: N/A
  • City: N/A
  • Age: 0
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
A.K.A. HarleyQBaby, HarleyBB, LittleMissBB, Profile Info: Female - Athletic - Caucasian - Blonde - Blue - 130 pounds - 67 inches - 25 - Wonderland - Canada - Bisexual - Occasional - Light - Occasionally - Dancer - Sushi - Kittens - blonde, small boobs, shaved, athletic, blue eyes, geek, submissive, cosplayer, nerd, squirting, flexible, dancer, bubbly, petite, long legs, pale, big eyes, toys, cute - Finding what makes you happiest. Chasing what pushes you to be better. - Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Bossy Pants, Yes Please snuggle with the kittens - Frank Sinatra, Big Band Jazz, Journey, The 1975 - The Avengers, Dark Knight, any superhero movie, horror films, Labyrinth, Never Ending St...
Official Site: N/A

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